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Easy Ice Cubes to Make your Beverages Better

Easy Ice Cubes to Make your Beverages Better

These easy ice cubes are super simple, but will make your everyday drinks something special.

Easy Ice Cubes for Better Beverages

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Easy Ice Cubes to Make your Beverages Better

Never again will your iced coffee get watered down.

And never again will you have to drink boring plain old water.

You won’t get tired in the afternoon – with pick-me-up. Make your beverages much better: Make these easy ice cubes #HealthyKitchenHacks via @TspCurry Click To Tweet

When you have a freezer full of these easy ice cubes, your beverages will always be a little bit special.

Healthy Kitchen Hacks for Better Ice Cubes | @TspCurry

Chocolate Milk Ice Cubes

If you’re like me, one of the best parts of summer is iced coffee. I go to bed thinking about my first sip in the morning. Really. In the winter, I like hot coffee with just milk. But, I like my iced coffee a bit sweet. (Probably because I worked in a Greek restaurant through college and drank a ton of their sooo sweet iced coffee.)

But watered down coffee, I don’t like. So I make chocolate milk ice cubes. Problem solved: No watered down coffee, and my coffee with chocolate milk is just a bit sweet.

Healthy Kitchen Hacks for Better Ice Cubes | @TspCurry

Coffee Ice Cubes

Of course, coffee ice cubes are the (other) perfect way to keep your iced coffee from getting watered down.

But they are also frosty-delicious to add to a cold glass of milk to get through an afternoon slump. A protein-packed glass of milk will help fill your tummy till close to dinner. And a few coffee ice cubes will give that shot of energizing caffeine – but probably not enough to keep awake at night. For me, the magic number is four ice cubes!

Healthy Kitchen Hacks for Better Ice Cubes | @TspCurry

100% Juice Ice Cubes

Three is also the number of frozen 100% orange juice cubes I toss in my water. It’s just enough sweetness to taste like a juice spritzer. (Sometimes I add sparkling water – but more often – it’s just plain old water.) My kids love two or three OJ cubes too – especially when made in the little ducky ice cube tray.

Healthy Kitchen Hacks for Better Ice Cubes | @TspCurry

Cranberry juice cubes are also delicious and so pretty in water. Or combine an OJ cube and a cranberry juice cube.

Do you make beverage ice cubes? Which one of these will you try first? Let us know in the comments below!

No more watered down coffee: Easy Ice Cubes for Better Beverages - More #Healthy Kitchen Hacks at