All you need is water and leftover lettuce stems to grow more lettuce!
It’s Healthy Kitchen Hacks Wednesday – the day we share our favorite time-saving kitchen tricks and cooking shortcuts to help you make healthy and delicious meals.
You can see all our Healthy Kitchen Hacks here. To get exclusive healthy kitchen hacks – only available to our email subscribers – sign up HERE.
Now…onto today’s featured Healthy Kitchen Hack:
How to Regrow Lettuce From Stems (video)
I tried this hack a few summers ago – I was intrigued to see if a black thumb like me could successfully grow something. And I’m happy to report it’s worked every time I’ve tried it. (Note: an easy gardening project for the kids!)
See how this non-gardener was able to regrow lettuce from stems - super easy #healthykitchenhack! @tspbasil Click To TweetIt couldn’t be easier:
- When buying Romaine lettuce, cut the stem about two inches from the end of the heads.
- Place standing in about one inch of water and place by a sunny window.
- Change water almost daily.
- Your new lettuce will be ready to harvest it in about 10-12 days.
More tips on regrowing lettuce:
- You can try this with most leaf lettuces like red leaf, bibb and Boston leaf. If you don’t have success the first time, try with other lettuce.
- Trim your new lettuce growth within those 12 days, otherwise, it will grow bitter as it goes to seed.
- And sadly, no, you can’t plant them in soil and have them regrow again, but an extra batch of lettuce is better than none!
Would you try this hack?
[email protected] A Dash of Cinnamon
Wednesday 17th of January 2018
OMG I have to try this!!!
Deanna Segrave-Daly
Wednesday 17th of January 2018
Yes you must - if this black thumb can do it, so can you!