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3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | Healthy Kitchen Hacks

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | Healthy Kitchen Hacks

Make any pot of whole grains taste better: quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, sorghum, even oatmeal!

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

We share kitchen shortcuts and tricks on how to cook more healthfully and deliciously in the kitchen.

It’s Healthy Kitchen Hacks Wednesday – the day we share our favorite time-saving kitchen tricks and cooking shortcuts to help you make healthy and delicious meals.

You can see all our Healthy Kitchen Hacks here. To get exclusive healthy kitchen hacks – only available to our email subscribers – sign up HERE.

Now…onto today’s featured Healthy Kitchen Hack:


EQUIPMENT: My favorite pot to cook grains: All-Clad 1.5-Quart Pot [affiliate link]

I try to menu plan. But sometimes, it just doesn’t happen. Those nights, my easiest dinner solution is to throw a pot of whole grains on the stove.

Then, I’ve got anywhere from 15-45 minutes (depending on the package directions for the grain) to rummage through the fridge and pantry to find ingredients to mix into that pot of grains. This is also a great way to cut down on food waste.

These flavorful one-pot dinners are one of my favorite ways to get my family to eat more whole grains like brown rice, sorghum, quinoa (actually a seed), buckwheat, and even oatmeal.

>> Whole grains are higher in fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium compared to white rice and most pasta.

3 Instant Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

#1 Flavor Boost – Orange Juice

Worried your kids (or husband?) won’t go for whole grains? There isn’t a whole grain my kids won’t eat when cooked in half orange juice/half water.

Plus, maybe you’ve heard about how the Florida citrus farmers are in big trouble? They are. Hurricane Irma decimated a big swath of orange trees, so has a destructive fungus which attacks the orange tree roots. And recently they just got a big freeze. So I’m happy to help these farmers by buying bottled OJ to bump up the nutrition of my whole grains.

>> The vitamin C in orange juice helps our bodies absorb the iron found in whole grains.

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

Try these whole grains cooked in half orange juice/half water – Oatmeal, sorghum, buckwheat, brown rice and more

Tasty toppings – Go naturally sweet with dates, cinnamon, nuts, and fresh oranges  Trying to eat more whole grains? 3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains #HealthyKitchenHacks via @TspCurry Click To Tweet

#2 Flavor Boost – Coconut Water

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

Any time you’re pairing a whole grain with an Asian dish, cook them in coconut water (or half coconut water/half water). Coconut water scented grains are also delicious with curry-flavored cold salads or hot curries.

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

Try these whole grains cooked in coconut water – Brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, whole wheat couscous, whole grain jasmine rice and more

Tasty toppings – Cilantro, green onions, stir-fried vegetables

#3 Flavor Boost – Chicken or Vegetable Broth, Bone Broth

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

Cooking grains in broth (or half broth/half water,) then freezing makes instant meals. Freeze whole grains according to this Healthy Kitchen Hack from Deanna on How to Freeze Whole Grains.

For a super-quick meal, just defrost in the microwave, and add toppers from the fridge or pantry.

3 Easy Flavor Boosts for Whole Grains | @TspCurry

Try these whole grains cooked in broth – Quinoa, brown rice, even oatmeal for quick savory dinners, and more

Tasty toppings – Parsley, feta cheese, tomatoes

What’s your favorite whole grain? Do you cook it in a flavor booster?

Easily boost the flavor of blah whole grains by adding just one of these 3 ingredient ideas - check out this Healthy Kitchen Hack at #wholegrains #wholegrainrecipes #kitchenhacks

Kathryn Pfeffer

Wednesday 17th of January 2018

This is such a helpful post! I love OJ in my sauces, but never thought of OJ or even coconut water while I cook whole grains! Genius!

Serena Ball

Thursday 18th of January 2018

Thanks Kathryn. You made my day! (: Let me know if you come across any other fun combos.

Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table

Wednesday 17th of January 2018

Oj is such a good idea! We do them in broth most of the time. I need to do a mix!

Serena Ball

Thursday 18th of January 2018

Thanks Laura. Glad to hear you already do broth + grains. It makes a big difference!

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