Get your daily fix of gingerbread with this healthy smoothie made with skim milk and banana ~ by Deanna Segrave-Daly, RD
Today I’m over at POPSUGAR Food sharing one of the ways I’m getting my gingerbread fix this holiday season.
Check out my post and recipe for a five-ingredient Gingerbread Smoothie (and tune back in tomorrow for another healthy gingerbread recipe…it’s a goodie!)
Always Juicing and Blending
Sunday 7th of June 2015
What started with a simple ginger bread food picture turned into my girlfriend spending 20 minutes on your Pinterest saying "look at that! look at this!"
Thank you haha
Deanna Segrave-Daly
Monday 8th of June 2015
Lol - sounds about right for Pinterest and sounds like me every time I'm checking out recipes online - thanks for sharing and let me know if she tries it!
Gingerbread Overnight Oats | Dietitian Duo
Sunday 5th of January 2014
[…] Gingerbread Overnight Oats recipe I’m about to share with you was inspired by a Gingerbread Smoothie recipe I recently became acquainted with. It’s a delicious deviation from the traditional fruit smoothie […]
Sarah Grace
Tuesday 24th of December 2013
Mmmm. Boy have I been loving the gingerbread flavor lately!
Allison @ Clean Wellness
Sunday 22nd of December 2013
My favourite cookie made into a smoothie! Love this idea. Can't wait to give it a try this holiday season. Also, if you're looking for a high speed blender, I recommend the Blendtec. I have 2. I LOVE it. I use it everyday. It's extremely versatile and incredibly powerful. Happy holidays :)
Deanna Segrave-Daly
Sunday 22nd of December 2013
I'm leaning towards the Blendtec - I like that it has a dull blade vs sharp :)
blender dude
Saturday 21st of December 2013
Look great. Would have never thought to add cloves. Love your photography!
Deanna Segrave-Daly
Saturday 21st of December 2013
Thanks for the comment and I'm thinking about finally investing in a high end blender so I'm off to check out your blog!