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The Easy Way To Remove Pomegranate Seeds | Healthy Kitchen Hacks

The Easy Way To Remove Pomegranate Seeds | Healthy Kitchen Hacks

The easiest way to remove pomegranate seeds without stains - all you need is a bowl of water and a knife! Healthy Kitchen Hacks at

UPDATE: Since posting this video a few years ago, I’ve discovered a few other ways to remove pomegranate seeds thanks to tips from Food Network Start Chef Jason Smith and food blogger Shadi of Unicorns in the Kitchen who specializes in Persian and Middle Eastern cooking – I met both of them last month on a NY Dairy Tour sponsored by American Dairy Association North East. See below for their bonus hacks!


It’s Healthy Kitchen Hacks Wednesday – the day we share our favorite time-saving kitchen tricks and cooking shortcuts to help you make healthy and delicious meals.

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The Easiest Way to Remove Pomegranate Seeds

The easiest way to remove pomegranate seeds via @tspbasil #healthykitchenhacks Click To Tweet

Say good-bye to those pomegranate stains and to paying more for buying seeds (aka arils) already removed from the fruit. I’ve improved this trick over time in my own kitchen – Here’s how I do it:

1) Start with a large bowl of warm water (it took me a few time to realize I didn’t need to use cold water and freeze my hands off.)

The easiest way to remove pomegranate seeds without stains - all you need is a bowl of water and a knife! Healthy Kitchen Hacks at

2) Place pomegranate under the water and cut into quarters with paring knife under the water (no stained cutting boards!)

The easiest way to remove pomegranate seeds without stains - all you need is a bowl of water and a knife! Healthy Kitchen Hacks at

3) Using your hands under water, take each quarter and carefully pick out the seeds. They will sink to the bottom while the skin and membrane will float to the top.

The easiest way to remove pomegranate seeds without stains - all you need is a bowl of water and a knife! Healthy Kitchen Hacks at

4) Discard the skin and skim the membrane out of the water with a small strainer.

5) Drain seeds through large fine mesh colander or strainer.

UPDATE – Here’s my Facebook Live showing two more ways to remove the seeds (1) Cutting out the core on top and removing by sections and (2) Cutting in half and whacking with back of a wooden spoon.

Now enjoy them by the spoonful or one of our recipes featuring pomegranate seeds:

Pomegranate Semifreddo
Apple Ginger Pomegranate Hot Toddy
Red and Green Salad with Honey Vinaigrette
Pomegranate Gingertini

Do you buy pomegranates whole or just the seeds? What’s your favorite recipe using pomegranates?


Thursday 19th of January 2017

I use a similar method but need to try this! Thanks for posting, pomegranates can be SO messy, but the taste is so worth it

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